I. Reading Comprehension (50 points, 2 points for each)
Directions: In this part of the test, there are five passages. Following each passage, there are five questions with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and then write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Toward twelve o’ clock, when we were crossing a high land, we heard the cry of a young animal, which we all recognized to be a baby ape. We crawled through the bush as silently as possible, still hearing the baby-like cry. Then a frightened little ape came into our sight. I could not tell my surprise when I saw that the baby ape’ s face was pure white - very white indeed - pallid. The little one was about a foot in height. One of the men threw cloth over its head and we secured it with a rope.
I called him Tommy, to which name he soon began to answer. He had a great affection for me, and used constantly to follow me about. When I sat down, he was not content till he had climbed upon me and hid his head in my breast. He was extremely fond of being petted and fondled and would sit for hours while any one stroked his head or back.
He soon began to be a great thief. When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish. He watched very carefully till all had left the house, and it was difficult to catch him in the act.
From me he stole constantly. He soon found out that my hut was better furnished with ripe bananas and other fruit than any other; and also he discovered that the best time to steal from me was when I was asleep in the morning. At that time he used to crawl in on his tiptoes, move slyly toward my bed, look at my closed eyes, and, if he saw no movement, with an air of great relief go up and pluck several plantains. If I stirred in the least he was off like a flash, and would presently reenter for another inspection. If my eyes were open when he came in on such a predatory trip, he at once came up to me with an honest face, and climbed on and caressed me. But I could easily detect an occasional wishful glance toward the bunch of plantains.
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