I.Correct the errors in the following sentences.(改写病句。) 10%
Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television. I resolved never to buy that brand again.
After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again.
1. I wanted badly to cry however I remained cold and silent.
2. Our school's computers are more advanced than your school.
3. Although tired and hungry, the drill sergeant would not let us rest.
4. He nearly finished reading ten books during the vacation.
5. Fred is energetic, capable, and a man you can rely on.
II.Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it.(阅读以下每段文章,然后在每段文章的主题句下划线。) 20%
1.Despite their hatred of the English, Scots fans have a good reputation abroad. They are one of a group that sociologists call the "carnival fans", who see events like the World Cup as an excuse for a great big party. Other fans in this group include the Danes with their giant Viking helmets and the Dutch, dressed from head to toe in orange. Carnival fans usually come from small nations interested in making friends with foreigners.
2. A good friend can help you in your study and you can have fun together and make each other happy. Often you will meet fair-weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money, but when you are no longer rich, they will run away from you. A good friend is as valuable as a precious stone, but it is not easy to find one. In order to find a good friend, you have to bear in mind that the friends must have certain good qualities such as honesty and faithfulness.
3. Drunkenness proves dangerous for drivers. A person who has drunk too much beer gets to a strange state called drunkenness. This state is marked either by an unpleasant feeling of balance or by falling asleep. Either of these problems is dangerous for drivers. On the road, a drunk driver is too dizzy to pay attention to traffic signs, and his lack of control may lead him to run to a stop sign, exceed the speed limit, or swerve his car. As a result, he may either hit another car or a person. It is very likely that he will crash his car, and often he will kill or injure himself or others.
4. The cafeteria at crowded City College is one of the most overlooked places on campus. The service line is frequently so long that a student gives up the idea of eating altogether. If she is patient enough to wait for food, she is lucky if she can find a place to eat. If she is particularly agile, she may work her way through the masses to a spot where she can eat it before it's cold. Once seated, however, she is likely to find the atmosphere so choked with other bodies, noise and dead air, that she loses her appetite. She can not easily slip away at that point, either. Wedging her way out of the cafeteria, she discovers, is as miserable a matter as working her way in.
5.The sky is clear and blue. Sparrows chirp in the early mornings. The fruit trees in the backyard are beginning to bloom. The hills are turning green, and purple and yellow wildflowers are appearing in the fields. The snow on top of Camel Mountain has all melted. It must finally be
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