Ⅰ. Correct the errors in the following sentences.(改写病句。) 10%
Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television. I resolved never to buy that brand again.
After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again.
1. Sara leaped up screaming a black spider was on her leg.
2. A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.
3. I got on a bus that was going to the ballpark by mistake.
4. While having the meal, mustard dropped onto my shirt.
5. The teachers in our school earn more than your school.
Ⅱ. Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it.
1. A mirror can always make a small room seem larger. A friend of mine has a living room that measures about eight feet by ten, but that looks twice that size, because one entire wall is covered with mirror tiles. The furniture and pictures in the rest of the room are reflected in the mirror wall, making it look like a large extension of the entire room. Using mirrors is an effective decorating technique.
2. Mary has a plan for doing well in her classes this semester. She is not going to miss any class, and she is going to take notes of all the lectures. She has blocked out three hours a day on weekdays to study as well as Saturday and Sunday afternoons. She has also formed a study group with her classmates. Finally, Mary has declared her own “dead weeks”, two weeks prior to finals for intensive study since her poor finals preparation last semester hurt her grades badly.
3. Internationally renowned research excellence is an important part of academic life at De Montfort University, giving students access to leading developments in their subject area. And its position in the “league tables” of best UK institutions, (like that of the Times newspapers), reflects that this university receives a higher proportion of top grades —— indicating research excellence at an international level —— in the Government's Research Assessment Exercise(RAE) than any other “new university”. The RAE takes place every five years to assess quality of research in universities and colleges in the UK. All of the 3 research programs assessed at De Montfort University saw improvements on the last RAE assessment.
4. Men known as pearl divers gather pearls. Actually, these men do not dive. A rope to the bottom
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