Ⅰ.Fill in the space
A.Insert the word or phrase in the blank that will make each sentence correct.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet(5%)
1.The work of the air traffic controllers is so important that they have to be people who can make fast,______ decision.
2.In addition to the money that tourism brings into a country,tourism provides a great many jobs,especially for unskilled or ______ workers.
3.For several thousand years,Chinese arts and crafts have been handed down generation after ______.
4.The repair and ______ departments take care of the heating,air conditioning,electricity,and plumbing in the hotel.
5.The main part of a diet is called the ______.
B.Select the correct word or phrase from the list below to complete each of the following sentences.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(5%)
a.available b.vouch c.sectors d.domestic e.package
1.Airlines and accommodations facilities are ______ of the tourism industry.
2.A feeder line usually has short routes that connect smaller towns with each other or with major cities on ______ flights.
3.If we go on a ______ tour,we don't have to worry about accommodation,the meals and other things like that.
4.When you ______ for a person,it means that you are taking responsibility for that person.
5.Because there is so much competition for passengers among airlines,there are many different kinds of service ______ as well as different types and sizes of aircraft.
C.Choose the word or phrase to complete each sentence.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(10%)
1.An immigration card may also be called a disembarkation or ( ) card.
A.emigration B.embarkation
C.information for customs D.arrival
2.When the plane ( ),it moves to a higher altitude.
A.adjusts B.descends
C.climbs D.taxi
3.( ) is a special endorsement by a country to allow a foreigner to enter the country.
A.A passport B.A visa
C.A customs declaration D.An immigration card
4.All airlines that are members of the ( ) use standard codes for carriers,service and airports.
A.CAB B.airport
C.IATA D.terminal
5.The front-desk clerk checks the ( ) to find an available room.
A.guest folio B.reservation file
C.room rack D.guest ledger
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