1.Land and People
Different names for Britain and its parts
2.Origins of the Nation
Arrival and settlement of the Celts
Basis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons
The Viking and Danish invasions
King Alfred and his contributions
The Norman Conquest and its consequences
3.Shaping of the Nation
England's feudalism under the rule of William the Conqueror
Contents and the significance of the Great Charter
Origins of the English Parliament
The Hundred Years' War with France and its consequences
Consequences of the Black Death
4. Transition to the Modern Age
The nature and consequences of the Wars of the Roses
Henry VIII and the English Reformation
Elizabeth I and Parliament
Elizabeth's religious reform and her foreign policy
Distinctive features of the English Renaissance
The Civil Wars and their consequences
The Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell
The Restoration and Glorious Revolution
5. Rise and Fall of the British Empire
Whigs and Tories
Agricultural changes in the late 18th century
The English Industrial Revolution and its impact on the development of Britain
The Chartist Movement and its consequences
The building of the British Empire
Britain and the First World War
Britain and the Second World War
Postwar Britain
6. Government and Administration
The British Constitution
Constitutional Monarchy in Britain
The British Parliament and its functions
The British government
7.Social Affairs
Religion in British society
Festivals and public holidays in Britain
8.Cultural Affairs
The education system in Britain
The college system and the tutorial system
Quality papers and popular papers
The BBC and its programs
Sports in Britain
Major forms of art in Britain
1. Population, Race and Ethnic Groups
Characteristics of the American population
Black people and the Civil Rights Movement
2.American History (1600-1900)
The 'discovery' of the New World
Causes of the colonization of the New World
The original 13 colonies
The American War of Independence and its consequences
Establishment of a federal form of government
Consequences of territorial expansion and the Westward Movement
The American Civil War and its impact on the development of the U.S
Rapid growth of capitalism after the Civil War
3. American History (1900-1945)
Economies growth in the early 20th century
Progressivism and some of the reform efforts
Role of the U.S. in WWI
Characteristics of the 1920s
Effects of the Great Depression on American society
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
America in WWII
4. America in Postwar Era (1945-1980)
Origins of the Cold War
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
Effects of McCarthyism of on American society
The postwar boom in the U.S
U.S. China relations (1949-1972)
The New Right and their Program
5. The U.S. Economy
Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy
Characteristics of the U.S. economy
The importance of foreign trade
Problems facing the U.S. economy
6. Political Institutions
A workable form of government under the Constitution
Separation of powers with checks and balances under the Constitution
Safeguards for inspanidual liberty under the Constitution
Powers of the American President
Powers of the House of Representatives
Powers of the Senate
The judicial system
The two-party system and the characteristics of the two major parties
7. Education
Characteristics of American education
Elementary and secondary education in the U.S.
Different types of colleges and universities
The admission system in U.S. universities
The role of the community college
Continuing education
Education reform in the 1980s and early 1990s
Major American writers and their works
Harlem Renaissance and black writing in American literature
9.Holidays and Festivals
New Year's Day celebration in the U.S.
Practices of Valentine's Day
Easter in the U.S.
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day
1. Canada
Canada's geography and history
Canada's geographical features
Geographical regions and their characteristics
The European discovery of Canada
The rivalry between the British and the French
Self-government and the founding of the Confederation
2. Australia
Australia's geographical features
Australia's geographical structure
Factors that affect Australia's climate
Composition of Australia's population
Australia's built environment
Political spanisions in Australia
3. New Zealand
New Zealand's geography
Characteristics of New Zealand's climate
Native plants and animals
Historical background of New Zealand
The Treaty of Waitangi 1840
Characteristics of Maori culture(Maoritanga)
4. Ireland
Ireland's geographical features
Climate in Ireland
Ethnic composition of Ireland
Languages in Ireland
Irish Catholicism
Conflict between the English and the Irish
The issue of Northern Ireland
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