John Bunyan (1628-1688) was born into a poor tinker's famiy in Bedfordshire in 1628. He received very itte forma education. When he was sti a itte boy, he took up his father's trade, and had the east promise of becoming a writer. But the boy had a profound imagination. His marriage in 1647 with a Christian woman ed him to the Lord.He joined a Nonconformist church and began to ach, by the roadside or on the viage green, teing peope of his vision and intertation of God's doctrine. However, he was thrown into prison in 1660 for aching without receiving permission from the Estabished Church. He remained in prison for 12 years because of his refusing to take a vow to give up aching. He was imprisoned again in 1675 on charge of the same offence. It was during this second term in prison that he wrote The Pigrim's Progress, which was pubished in 1678 after his reease. He died in 1688 from a bad fever.
Like most working men at the time, Bunyan had a deep hatred for the corrupted, hypocritica rich who accumuated their weath "by hook and by crook." As a stout Puritan, he had made a conscientious study of the Bibe and firmy beieved in savation through spiritua strugge.
Bunyan's stye was modeed after that of the Engish Bibe. With his concrete and iving anguage and carefuy observed and vividy sented detais: he made it possibe for the reader of the east education to share the peasure of reading his nove and to reive the experience of his characters.
Bunyan's other works incude Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1666), The Life and Death of Mr. Badman (1680), The Hoy War (1682) and The Pigrim's Progress, Part II(1684).
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