absurd a. against reason or common sense, clearly false or foolish 不合理,荒谬的,可笑的,愚蠢的
abundant a. more than enough 丰富的,充裕的
ban v. forbid esp. by law 禁止
breeding n. the producing of young by animals, birds, etc. 生育,繁殖
disregard v. pay no attention to, ignore 不理,不顾,漠视,无视
spanerse a. different, various 不一样的,多种多样的
drastic a. strong, sudden, and often violent or severe 激烈的,猛烈的
durable a. long-lasting 耐用的,持久的
encroach v. take more than what is right, usual or natural; invade 侵犯,侵占,吞食
enforce v. cause rules or laws to be carried out effectively; make (sth.) happen by force 实施,执行,强制,强迫
eradicate v. destroy complete 根除,消灭,歼灭
eradication n. extinction, putting an end to (a species) 灭绝,消灭
exploitation n. the act of using fully so as to get profit 开发利用
floe n. large mass of ice floating on the surface of the sea 大块浮冰
gigantic a. usually large in amount or size 巨大的,庞大的
impose v. establish officially 正式确立
indiscriminately ad. unselectively; randomly; not chosen carefully 无选择地,不加选择地,不分青红皂白的
invade v. enter into and spoil; attack and spread into so as to take control of (a country, city, etc.) 侵入,侵略
lull n. pause; a period in which activity is less 暂停,间歇,停滞期
migrate v. travel regularly from one part to another according to the season; change one‘s place of living, esp. for a limited period 定期移栖,迁移
proceed v. continue 继续
profitable a. resulting in money gain; money making 有益的,有利可图的,有钱赚的
protest n. (statement of) disapproval or objection 抗议,反对
quota n. a limit on numbers 定额,限额
recommend v. prescribe; speak in favor of 建议,推荐
revival n. rebirth or renewal 再生,新生,恢复
revive v. come back into use or existence 两次利用,再生
roam v. walk or travel without any definite aim or destination over or through (a country ) 漫步,漫游
sanctuary n.( a place of) protection or safety from harm 避难所,庇护所
shift v. move from one place to another; change in position or direction 转移,移动,转变,转向
slaughter n. killing of animals 屠宰
sleek a. ( of hair or fur) smooth and shining (毛发等)油光发亮的
suntan n. browning of the skin from exposure to sunlight 晒黑
temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的,临时的
transform v. change completely in form, appearance or nature 彻底改变,改造,改革
crayon n.彩色蜡笔
lotion n. 护肤液
adolescence n. young teenager of about 13~16岁青春期;青春(通常指13~16岁少年)
ailment n. illness 病;精神不安
apparently ad. clearly, obviously 明显地
blissful a. extremely happy 非常幸福;极乐的
bonus n. anything pleasant in addition to what is expected 意想不到的收获
cope v. handle; deal successfully with sth. 处理
decline v. decrease; move from a better to worse position 减少;下降
deny v. refuse to accept as true 否定;不接受
spanorce v. end a marriage between husband and wife 离婚
efficient a. working well and without waste 效率高的
expectancy n. the state of expecting 期待,期望
foster v. help to grow and develop 培养;促进
guarantee v. give a promise of quality, payment or fulfilment 保证;担保
incidence n. the rate of happening 发生率
infection n. the state or result of disease being put into body 传染;感染
ingenuity n. skill and cleverness in making and arranging things 机灵;独创性
intact a. whole, uninjured; healthy 未受损的;完整的
internist n. a doctor who specializes in internal medicine 内科医生
maturity n. the state of being fully grown and developed 成熟
measure n. degree or amount 程度;分量;测量
neurotic a. affected with nervous disorder 神经病的;神经过敏的
outlive v. live longer than 活过…,比…经久
pessimism n. tendency to look at the worst aspect of things 悲观
predictable a. that can be seen or told in advance 可预言的
prime n. the time of greatest perfection, strength or activity 全盛时期
reassure v. comfort and make free from anxiety 使放心
resistance n. opposition, standing against 抵抗,反抗
share v. have in common 分享;分担
smart a. vigorous, quick in thinking, clever 精明的,灵巧的
statistical a. of collected numbers which represent facts or measurement 统计的
suicide n. an act of killing oneself 自杀
veteran n. a person who has had long experience 老手;有的人
anabolism n. 细胞生长
arthritis n. 关节炎
catabolism n. 细胞死亡
nutrient n. 营养素
psychologist n. 心理学家
rheumatism n. 风湿病
sonata n. (音乐)奏鸣曲
abscond v. go away suddenly and secretly because one has done sth. wrong or against the law (为躲避罪责,债务等而)潜逃
assault n. unlawful attack with blows against another person 攻击,袭击
bastard n. ruthless, insensitive person, illegitimate child 坏种,讨厌鬼,私生子
bumble v. speak without making much sense, or so that the words are hard to hear clearly 语无伦次,说话含糊
burglary n. the crime of entering a building by force with the intention of stealing 入室盗窃,夜盗行为
butchery the trade of killing, cutting and selling animals for food 屠宰业
cash n. money in coin or notes 现金
conviction n. finding (someone) guilty for a crime 发现有罪,证明有罪
credit n. belief of others that a person, business company can pay debt, or will keep a promise to pay 信用
dismember v. cut or tear (a body) apart, limb from limb 割下(动物的)肢,肢节
distressed a. suffering great pain, discomfort or sorrow 痛苦的,不舒服的,难受的,悲情的
dump v. drop carelessly 倾倒,把…砰地一扔
elope v. run away from home 私奔,出走
embark v. go on board a ship 上船
environ n. surrounding 周围,附近地区
epitaph n. words commemorating a dead person 纪念死者的诗文,墓志铭
indecent assault an attack with blows and some from of sexual violence 强迫猥亵,非礼
milk v. get money by clever of dishonest means 以巧妙或虚假方式取得金钱
monitor v. observe and watch by means of an electronic receiver (camera) 监视,监控
pose v. set oneself up as; claim to be 摆出,使自己成为,自称
schedule n. plan for a certain future time 计划表,程序表
scrap n. a small piece; bit 小块,少许,一点
scrawl n. sth. written awkwardly or fast or carelessly 潦草模糊的字迹
semi-literate a. partly able to read and write 半文盲的,能读而不能写的
serial a. of or forming a series (set) 连续的,一系列的
sinner n. one who has disobeyed God; wrongdoer (宗教,道德上的)罪人
squad n. small group of persons working or being trained together 小组,小队
traffic v. trade 交易,买卖
victim n. a person (or animal or thing) that suffers death (pain, harm, etc.) as a result of other people‘s actions 受害者,牺牲者,受骗者
vigil n. staying awake; remaining watchful for some purpose 彻底清醒,守夜,值夜
heroin n. 海洛因
quarry n. 采石场
annoy v. cause trouble; make a little angry 打搅;使生气
arithmetic n. calculation by numbers; the science of numbers 算术,代数
bacteria n. very small living things, some of which cause diease 细菌
brook n. a small stream 小溪
complicated a. made up of many parts ;complex 复合的,复杂的
conquer v. defeat; be victorious over 征服
constant a. continuous; without break 持续不断的
convenient a. suited to one‘s needs 方便的
crumb n. small piece of bread 面包屑
destroy v. tear down or apart; ruin 摧毁,毁坏
disease n. (an) illness or disorder caused by infection or unnatural growth, not by an accident 疾病
favourite n. sth. or sb. loved above all others 特别喜爱的人或物
fertile a. (of land) which produces or can produce good crops 肥沃的
foil n. metal beaten or rolled into very thin paper like sheets 金属薄片,箔
harmful a. damaging 有害的
jelly n. a sweet soft food substance that shakes when moved, made with gelatin 果冻,肉冻,冻
lava n. rock in a very hot liquid state flowing from an ex ploding mountain (volcano) 熔岩
magnify v. make (sth.) appear larger than in reality 放大
microbe n. a living creature that is so small that it can not be seen without a microscope, and that may cause disease 微生物
moisture n. water, or other liquids, in small quantities in the form of steam or mist 潮气
moldy a. covered with soft woolly growth on bread or cheese, etc. 发霉的
multiply v. breed 繁殖
pickle n. vegetable in a type of liquid (esp. vinegar or salt water ) 泡菜
pinch n. an amount that can be picked up between the thumb and a finger (一)捏,微量
quantity n. a measurable property of something 量,数量
settle v. come to rest, esp. from above 着落,停留
split v. spanide into separate parts 分开,劈开,切开
spoil v. (cause to)decay or lose goodness 糟塌,使变坏
stack v. make into or form a neat pile 堆起
surround v. be all around on every side 包围
volcano n. mountain with a large opening at the top through which melting rock, steam, gases etc. escape from time to time 火山
aluminum n. 铝
corkscrewshape n. 螺旋体
marble n. 儿童游戏用的一种弹珠
mildew n. 霉
penicillin n. 青霉素
sauerkraut n. 泡菜
streptomycin n. 链霉素
vinegar 醋
acquire v. gain or come into possession of 获得
acquisition n. the act of acquiring 获得,得到
adverse a. not in favor of; opposing 不利的,相反的
avoid v. miss or keep away from, esp. on purpose 避免,躲开
bond n. a paper in which a government or an industrial firm promises to pay back with interest money that has been lent 债券,公债
bilateral a. between or concerning 2 parties 双边的
cheque n. a written order in a band to pay a certain sum of money from one‘s bank account 支票
commerce n. the buying and selling of goods, esp. between different counties; trade 商业,贸易
distinction n. difference 区别,差别
execute v. carry out, to perform or do completely 执行,实施
hedge v. make a fence round a field; protect 围护,保护
in convertible a. that can not be freely exchanged for other types of money 不能兑换(外币)的,不能转换的
license n. an official paper card, etc. showing that permission has been given to do sth. 许可,执照
medium n. substance, surrounding, in which sth. exists or through which sth. moves 中间,媒介
obligation n. a duty 职责,义务
pension n. an amount of money paid regularly to sb. who can no longer earn money by working, esp. because of old age or illness 抚恤金,养老金
prevent v. keep (sth.) from happening or existing 防止,阻止
principal a. most important; main 主要的,首要的
quota n. a stated number or amount, or a limit on a number 定额
quote v. give a price 报价,开价
remit v. send (money) by post 汇寄
repatriation n. bringing or sending (sb.) back to his own country, or to the country of which he is a citizen 遣返回国
resort v. sort again 再分开,再分类
restrict v. keep within limits 限定,约束
terminology n. specialized words and expressions used in a particular science, profession, activity etc. 术语,专门用语
standpoint n. a position from which things are seen and opinions formed 立场,观点
utilize v. make (good) use of 利用
term n.条款
commercial bank 商业银行
coupon n. (附在证券上的)息票
letter of credit 信用证(卡)
traveler‘s cheque 旅行支票
accrue v. become bigger or more by addition 自然增长
analysis n. an examination of something together with thoughts and judgements about it 分析
anticipate v. expect 期望,预期
assess v. calculate the value of or the amount of for tax purposes 对(财产等)进行估价
benefit v. be useful, profitable, or helpful to 受益
boundless a. without limits 无限的
commodity n. a thing of use or advantage, esp. sth. sold for profit 商品
component n. any of the parts that make up or are needed for a whole (esp. for a machine or system) 组成部分
compound v. put together to form a whole 使复合,使合成
constraint n. the threat or use of force to direct the action of others 强逼,强制
contribute v. help in bringing about 出一份力,贡献出
control v. have power over; rule 控制,统治
data n. facts; information 资料
detect v. find out; notice 发现,注意,觉察
essentially ad. basically 基本上
establish v. set up (an organization) 建立
esteem v. believe; respect and admire 信任;尊重
fragment v. cause to be made up of incomplete parts 使成碎片
frustrate v. cause (sb.) to have feelings of annoyed disappointment 使受挫
gauge n. a standard measure of weight, size, etc., to which objects can be compared 标准尺寸,标准规格
impact n. the force of an idea, invention, system, etc. 影响
intelligence n. information gathered esp. about the rival party, etc; ability to learn and understand 谍报;智力
intrinsic a. being part of thenature or character of someone or something 固有的;内在的
luxury n. great comfort, as provided without worry about the cost 奢侈
magnitude n. greatness of size or importance 大小,重要性
monitor n. 监控
moot a. uncertain, undecided 争论未决的
obvious a. easy to understand; clear 显而易见的
pose v. state; offer for consideration 提出,形成
potential a. existing in possibility 潜在的
precise a. exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc. 精确的,确切的
preferable a. better (esp. because more suitable) 更可取的,更好的
prevent v. keep (sth.) from happening or existing 防止
propose v. suggest 建议
reduce v. make smaller, cheaper, etc 减小,削价
regulation n. an official rule or order 制度,法规
resource n. the part of possessions in the form of wealth and goods that help one to do what one wants 资源,财力
restrict v. limit; keep within limits 限制,限定
scan v. examine closely, esp. in search 细看,审视
sheer a. mere; unmixed with anything else 纯粹的,不掺杂的
solution n. an act or way of finding an answer to a difficulty or problem 解决办法
strategic a. skillful planning generally; a particular plan for winning success in a particular activity 战略(上)的
survey v. examine the general condition of 概括地观察
technique n. skill in art or some specialist activity 技术,技巧
threat n. statement of an intention to punish or hurt sb., if he does not do as one wishes 威胁
trend n. a general direction or course of development; tendency 趋势
variation n. difference; the qualities that are not the same as each other 变化,不同
verify v. make sure that sth. is correct or true 证实,确证
vie v. compete 竞争
foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率
interest rate 利率
06-042023年4月浙江自考英美文学选读复习笔记:Alfred Tennyson
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