absorb v. take in or suck in 吸收
atmosphere n. the mixed gases that surrounds any heavenly body 大气,大气层
celestial a. of or belonging to the sky or heaven 天的,天空的
collaborate v. work together of with someone else 合作,协作
colonize v. make a group of people from the same country or the same religion live together in another place or country 移(民)于殖民地
communicate v. share of exchange opinions, news, information (意见等的)交换,交流
conceal v. hide; keep from being seen or known 隐藏,隐瞒
dim a. not bright 不明亮的
emission n. the act of sending out (esp. heat, light, smell, sound) 散发,发射
explore v. travel into or through (a space for the purpose of discovery) 勘探,探险
homogeneity n. parts of the same kind 同种;同质
imagine v. form ( a picture or idea) in the mind 想象;设想
inhabit v. live in 居住于;栖息于
intelligence n. mental ability 智力;才智
loft v. make high into the air 把…向高处发射
observation n. action of noticing or watching 注意;观察
opinion n. idea 意见;看法
permit v. allow 允许;许可
phenomenon n. a fact or event in nature as it appears or is experienced by the senses, esp. one that is unusual and/or of scientific interest 现象
precise a. exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc. 精确的,准确的
probe n. an apparatus sent into the sky to examine condition in outer space 探测器;探测飞船
revolutionize . cause a complete change 彻底变革
rig n. a piece of apparatus (for a special purpose) 钻探设备(平台);装备;设备
satellite n. a heavenly body moving around a larger one 卫星
slightly ad. a bit; not greatly 稍微,一点儿
solar a. of, from, or concerning the sun 太阳的,来自太阳的,与太阳有关的
space n. where other heavenly bodies move 空间,太空
telescope n. a tubelike scientific instrument used for seeing distant objects by making them appear nearer and larger 望远镜
vessel n. a ship or large boat 船
comet n. 彗星
extraterrestrial a. 地球大气圈外的
galaxy n. 星系;(G-)银河(系)
luminescence n. 发光
Mars n. 火星
molecule n. 分子
Neptune n. 海王星
orbit n. (天体)运行轨道
planet n. 行星
rendezvous n.宇宙飞船汇合点
Venus n. 金星
assailant n. attacker 攻击者
be-leathered a. wearing a leather jacket or suit; dressed in leather 穿皮衣服的
brisk a. quick and active 轻快的,活跃的
catch up v. bring or come up to date; come up from behind 赶上
coercion n. using force or threats of punishment 压制,高压统治
con n. trick 骗局
confide vt. tell a secret to sb. 吐露(秘密等)
courteously a. politely, kindly 有礼貌的
critic n. a person who forms and gives judgements, esp. for art, music, etc. 批评家,评论家
dole out vt. give in small quantities 少量地发放(救济品)embarrassment n. feeling of shame 窘迫
expletive n. meaningless words used for swearing, to express violent feelings 赌咒语
groggily ad. weakly; unsteadily 虚弱地;脚步踉跄地
jostle vt. knock or push against 挤,推
lurch vi. move with irregular and sudden movements 蹒跚,东倒西歪地向前
overdone a. cooked too much 煮得太久的
particular n. detail 细节
philanthropic a. kind and helpful 慈善的
profusely ad. plentifully; abundantly 极其丰富的,充沛的;过多的
relentless a. without pity 无情的,不仁慈的
respective a. of or for each one; particular and separate 各个的,分别的
review n. an article giving judgments on new books, plays, and public events 评论(文章),综述
scrabble v. move wildly and quickly 挣扎
scruffy a. dirty and untidy 褴褛的,不整洁的
sozzled a. drunk 烂醉的
stew vt. cook slowly and gently in liquid in a closed vessel 煨,炖
stocky a. thick, short and strong 矮胖的,粗壮的
sturdy a. strong and firm, esp. in body 强健的,茁壮的
thrash v. move wildly or violently about 猛烈摆动,颠簸
thrust v. push forcefully and suddenly 刺,戳
trio n. any group of 3 people or things 三重奏,三件套,三人一组
tuck v. draw together into a small place; put into a desired or convenient position 折拢;塞
twilight n. the time when day is just starting to become night; the faint darkish light in the sky during this time 黄昏,暮色
unshaven a. not shaved 不剃须的
venom n. great hatred; liquid poison which certain snakes, insects, etc. use in biting or stinging 恶意;(毒蛇等的)毒液
whereupon ad. immediately after that 因此,于是
Adam‘s apple 喉结
adapt vt. change so as to be suitable for 使适应,使适合
background n. the scenery of ground behind sth. 背景
blend vt. (cause to) mix 混合;把…混为一体
camouflage n. a way of using colouring or shape which makes it difficult to see or find sth. 伪装;掩饰
consist of be made up of 由…构成;由…组成
contrast vt. compare so that differences are made clear 对照;比较
creature n. a living animal 生物;动物
deform vt. spoil the form of; spoil the appearance of 损坏…的形状;使变丑
evolve vi. develop gradually 进展;进化
evolutionary a. 发展的;进化的
extinct a. no longer in existence 灭绝的;绝种的
grime n. a surface of thick black dirt (表面上的)积垢
hypothesis n. idea which is thought suitable to explain the facts about sth. 假设;前提
investigate v. make a careful study of 调查研究;调查
mutation n. change in the cells of a living thing (细胞的)变异
mystery n. sth. that can not be explained or understood 神秘的事物;不可思议的事物
opposite a. contrary or entirely different 相反的;对立的
predator n. animal living by killing and eating other animals 捕食者;捕食其它动物者
prey v. take or hunt as food 捕猎
n. an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal 被捕食者
recapture v. take or make prisoner again 重获;夺回
reject v. refuse to accept 拒绝;抵制
release v. set free 释放;解放
reproduce v. bring forth as offspring; produce the young of 繁殖;生殖
soot n. black power left by smoke on surface 煤烟;烟灰
suppose v. let it be thought that 猜想;想象
survival n. the fact or likelihood of surviving 幸存;残存;存活
survive v. continue to live, esp. after coming close to death 幸存;活下来
trunk n. the main stem of a tree 树干
vice versa the other way round 反过来
visible a. that can be seen 看得见的,可见的
chameleon n. 变色晰蜴;变色龙
chromosome n. 染色体
gene n. 基因
genetic a. 基因的;遗传学的
percentage n.百分比
achievement n. sth. successfully finished or gained, esp. through skill and hard work 完成,成就
advance n. development or improvement; forward movement 前进,进展
attach vt. fix; fasten; join 缚,系
carving n. making by cutting 雕刻
count vt. tell or find the total number of 数数,计算
distract v. draw sb.‘s attention away from sth. 使(人)分心
distribute v. give out or deliver; spanide among several or many 分发,分配
fraction n. a very small piece or amount 碎片,小部分
gather v. obtain bit by bit 收集
imitate v. take as an example; make a likeness of 模仿
industrialize vt. cause to become industrially developed 使工业化
keep track of keep oneself informed about a person, state of affairs, etc. 使自己了解情况
manipulation n. handling; controlling 操纵,应付,处理
originality n. the quality of being of a new type or different from others of the same type 独创性,创造力processing n. putting facts, numbers, etc. into computer for examination (输入计算机)处理regardless of without worrying about; careless about 不管,无论如何
register v. show or record; put into an official list or record 登记,注册
sufficiently ad. enough 足够地
survey v. examine the general condition of审视,概括地观察
tremendous a. very great in size, amount, or degree 极大的
troublesome a. causing trouble or anxiety; annoying 令人烦恼的,讨厌的
analog n. 类似物
carrier pigeon 信鸽
digital a. 数字的
electronic a. 电子的
equation n. 等式
graph n. (曲线)图;图表
hieroglyphic n. 象形文字
lever n. 杆;杠杆
microscope n. 显微镜
pulley n. 滑轮
tablet n. 书板(古代用木、石等制成的平板,供写刻文字用)
telescope n. 望远镜
turnstile n. (入口处等的)旋转式栅门;绕杆
ability n. power and skill, esp. to do, think, act, make etc. 能力,才能
accurate a. free of mistakes; exactly correct 准确的;精确的
biology n. the scientific study of living thing 生物学
blur v. make difficult to see (through or with) clearly 把…弄得模糊不清
brass n. a very hard bright yellow metal, a mixture of copper and zinc 黄铜
built-in a. internally fixed 内在的,固定的
compass n. an instrument for showing direction, usu. consisting of a free-moving magnetic needle which always moves to point to the north 指南针
complex a. difficult to understand or explain 难以理解的;复杂的
extra a. beyond what is usual or necessary 额外的
measure v. find the size, length, amount, etc. 量;测量;估量
messenger n. a person who brings one or more pieces of information 送信者;使者
mystery n. sth. which can not be explained or understood 神秘的事物;难以解释的事物
navigate v. direct the course of ( a ship, plane, etc.) 导航
overcast a. dark with clouds 多云的;阴暗的
race v. compete in speed 比速度;参加竞赛
shift v. change in position or direction; move from one place to another 转变;转移
biological clock 生物钟
gelatin n. 动物胶
magnetic a. 有磁性的
astronaut n. a person who travels through space in a space vehicle 宇航员
attain v. reach 到达
comparable a. capable of being compared 可比较的
conquest n. gaining control over 征服,赢得
cosmos n. the whole universe 宇宙
crush v. press or be pressed, so that there is breaking or injury 压碎,榨
demonstrate vt. show clearly by giving proofs or examples 表演,演示
deprive v. take away from; prevent from using or enjoying 剥夺,使丧失
diffuse v. cause to spread out freely in all directions 使扩散,使渗出
directly ad. straightly 直率地
disappointed a. sad at not getting what was hoped for 失望的
disk n. round, flat-like object 圆盘状物
distance n. the amount of separation in space or time 时空上的距离
drift v. float or be driven along by wind, waves or current 漂移,使漂流
equip v. provide with what is necessary 装备,配备
feat n. noteworthy achievement 功绩
gravity n. force of attraction between any two objects, esp. that force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earth 引力,重力
inkling n. hint 暗示、细微的迹象
permit v. allow 允许
phenomenon n. fact or event that appears to or is perceived by the senses 现象
previous a. happening, coming or being earlier in time or order 先前的,过早的
realm n. complete domain 领域,范围
relief n. elevation of land surfaces 地势的起伏
resemble v. look or be like 像,类似
resistance n. force opposed to anything moving 抵抗力,阻力
revolution n. circular movement round a fixed point 旋转,绕转
revolve v. spin or go round in a circle 旋转,绕转
simultaneously at the same time 同时地
spaceship a vehicle able to travel in space 宇宙飞船
subject (to) v. bring under control; cause to undergo or experience; expose 使隶属;使遭受;使暴露
swell up increase in fullness and roundness 膨胀
twinkle v. shine with a light that gleams unsteadily 闪烁,闪耀
wanderings n. movement from place to place 漫游,闲逛
bellows n. 风箱
gravitation n. 万有引力,地心引力
satellite n. 卫星
shutter n. (照相机)快门
velvet n. 天鹅绒
appetite n. physical desire for food 食欲
application n. use应用
arise v. come into existence; appear 出现
attendant a. connected with 伴随的;有联系的
authority n. the power or right to make others obey and believe 权;权力
category n. spanision or class in a complete system or grouping 种类
challenge v. question the lawfulness or rightness of 对…表示异议,怀疑
compensate v. give sth. to make up 弥补
confine v. restrict 限制
contender n. rival, competitor 竞争者;对手
deficiency n. the state of being short of 缺乏;不足
derive v. get 获得,得到
describe v. say what is like 描写;描述
dictate v. drive 驱使
element n. a small amount 小量
excrete v. get rid of waste from the body 排泄
genuine a. real 真正的
guardian n. one who is responsible for the care of a person and his property 保护人
indiscriminately ad. as one wishes 随心所欲地
inspanidual n. a single being 个人
instinctively ad. subconsciously 本能地,下意识地
investigate v. make a careful study of 调查
junk n. material of poor quality 劣质品
lapse n. shortage 缺乏
mimic v. appear so like 酷似
pertinent a. relevant 有关的,相干的
potent a. strongly effective 有效力的
prudent a. careful 谨慎的;小心的
purchase n. buying 买
relieve v. lessen 减轻
replace v. take the place of 取代
resort n. the thing offering help 所求助的东西
rubbish n. waste material 垃圾;废物
safeguard n. the thing to give protection 保护物
scarcely ad. almost not 几乎不
super a. wonderful 极好的
supplement n. sth. added 添加物
teetotaler n. one who never touches wine 滴酒不沾的人
trial n. testing 试验
ubiquitous a. appearing or existing everywhere 无处不在的
calory n.(热量)卡
carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物
clinical a. 临床的
density n. 浓度
dose n. 剂量
hamburger n. 汉堡包
mineral n. 矿物质
nutrition n. 营养
nutritious n. 营养的
pizza n.(意大利)馅饼
placebo n.安慰药
prophylactic a. 预防性的
protein n. 蛋白质
psychological a. 心理上的
psychology n.心理学
snack n. 快餐
symptom n. 症状
therapeutic a. 治疗的
therapy n. 疗法
urine n. 尿
vitamin n. 维生素
appetite n. physical desire for food 食欲
application n. use应用
arise v. come into existence; appear 出现
attendant a. connected with 伴随的;有联系的
authority n. the power or right to make others obey and believe 权;权力
category n. spanision or class in a complete system or grouping 种类
challenge v. question the lawfulness or rightness of 对…表示异议,怀疑
compensate v. give sth. to make up 弥补
confine v. restrict 限制
contender n. rival, competitor 竞争者;对手
deficiency n. the state of being short of 缺乏;不足
derive v. get 获得,得到
describe v. say what is like 描写;描述
dictate v. drive 驱使
element n. a small amount 小量
excrete v. get rid of waste from the body 排泄
genuine a. real 真正的
guardian n. one who is responsible for the care of a person and his property 保护人
indiscriminately ad. as one wishes 随心所欲地
inspanidual n. a single being 个人
instinctively ad. subconsciously 本能地,下意识地
investigate v. make a careful study of 调查
junk n. material of poor quality 劣质品
lapse n. shortage 缺乏
mimic v. appear so like 酷似
pertinent a. relevant 有关的,相干的
potent a. strongly effective 有效力的
prudent a. careful 谨慎的;小心的
purchase n. buying 买
relieve v. lessen 减轻
replace v. take the place of 取代
resort n. the thing offering help 所求助的东西
rubbish n. waste material 垃圾;废物
safeguard n. the thing to give protection 保护物
scarcely ad. almost not 几乎不
super a. wonderful 极好的
supplement n. sth. added 添加物
teetotaler n. one who never touches wine 滴酒不沾的人
trial n. testing 试验
ubiquitous a. appearing or existing everywhere 无处不在的
calory n.(热量)卡
carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物
clinical a. 临床的
density n. 浓度
dose n. 剂量
hamburger n. 汉堡包
mineral n. 矿物质
nutrition n. 营养
nutritious n. 营养的
pizza n.(意大利)馅饼
placebo n.安慰药
prophylactic a. 预防性的
protein n. 蛋白质
psychological a. 心理上的
psychology n.心理学
snack n. 快餐
symptom n. 症状
therapeutic a. 治疗的
therapy n. 疗法
urine n. 尿
vitamin n. 维生素
06-042023年4月浙江自考英美文学选读复习笔记:Alfred Tennyson
01-042023年4月浙江自考英美文学选读复习笔记:Washington Irving