1. fallacy n. 谬误;谬论;错误的推理或信念
That the earth is flat used to be a popular fallacy.(地球是扁平的这一谬误曾一度很流行。)
Needless to say, this statement is based on fallacy.(不用说,这是一个基于谬误推理的陈述。)
2. quality n. 质量;品质,特性 adj. 优质的,高级的
He is a man of many good qualities.(他具有许多优秀品质。)
The quality of your products is superior to that of ours.(你们的产品质量比我们的好。)
You have no reason to deprive me of the right to a quality education.
qualify v. 使合适,使胜任
I am not very sure if he is qualified for the job.(我不很肯定他是否胜任这份工作。)
His skills qualify him for the job.(他的技艺使他有资格担任这一工作。)
qualified adj. 有资格的;称职的
He is trying hard to make himself a qualified teacher.(他在努力使自己成为一个称职的教师。)
3. savage adj. 野蛮的,未开化的;凶猛的,残酷的 n.野蛮人,粗野的人
Most of the time elephants are tame but they can be very savage.
No one can put up with his savage manners.(谁也忍受不了他的粗暴态度。)
4. tribe n. 种族,部落;(动植物)族,类
This attitude still remains in some primitive tribes.(这种观念在一些原始部落中依然存在。)
5. bravery n. 勇敢,大胆 brave adj. 勇敢的 v.冒(危险等);敢于做(某事)
He made a brave attempt to prevent the group fighting.(他勇敢地试图阻止群殴。)
They braved all the dangers and difficulties in completing their work.
6. eager adj. 热切的,渴望的
be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
be eager for/about sth. 渴求某事
eager beaver 做事异常卖力的人;雄心勃勃的人
The teacher found all the students were eager to express their opinions.
I am eager for the performance to begin.(我热切地等待着演出的开始。)
7. civilized adj. 文明的,开化的
civilization n. 文明,文化
8. root n. 根;根本,根源; v. (使)生根,(使)扎根
She flushed to the root of her hair.(她羞得满脸通红。)
He sat there rooted like a statue.(他像一尊雕塑一样一动不动地坐在那儿。)
9. magic n. 魔法,魔力;魔术
magical adj. 有魔力的;神秘的
magician n. 魔术师;巫师
The prince was turned by magic into a beast.(王子被魔法变成了一只野兽。)
The magic of music is beyond words.(音乐的魅力无法用言语形容。)
He used to believe that the old lady had magical powers.(他曾以为那个老太太有魔力。
10. poisonous adj. 有毒的
poison n.& v. 毒药;中毒,毒死;破坏
11. overseas adv. 在海外,在国外 adj. 海外的,国外的
He said he would travel overseas if he had a long holiday.(他说如果有长假,他就去国外旅游。)
There is a vast overseas market for our goods.(我们的产品有广阔的海外市场。)
12. widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的
Pollution problem is now attracting widespread attention.(污染问题正引起广泛关注。)
13. digestive adj. 消化的,有消化力的
digest v. 消化;领会
digestion n. 消化;领悟
indigestible adj. 难理解的;难消化的
It will be very helpful for you to digest the important points in the book.
14. foundation n. 根据;基金会;基地
The early training gave her a very firm foundation.(早期的训练给她打下了坚实的基础。)
In fact the rumor is without foundation.(事实上,这个谣传没有根据。)
15. belief n. 相信;信念
believe v. 相信;认为
It is his belief that he will succeed sooner or later.(他相信他迟早会成功。)
What he told me just now is really beyond my belief.(他刚才对我说的话令我难以置信。)
16. combination n. 结合,联合;化合物
combine v. 结合,联合
The football players showed good combination.(足球队员们配合默契。)
It will do us a lot of good if we can combine theory with practice.
17.chiefly adv. 主要地
chief n. 首领;长官 adj. 主要的
I think this will become the chief concern of the world today.
the editor in chief 总编 the chief engineer 总工程师
chief executive 最高行政长官chief justice 首席法官
chief of staff 参谋长chief of state 国家元首
18. contain v. 包含;容纳;克制
This mini-bus can contain 18 passengers.(这辆面包车可乘坐18人。)
How much water can this water tank contain?(这只水箱能装多少水?)
He cannot contain himself for the joy.(他高兴得不能自制。)
affixation 词缀法
1.名词后缀 -ity quality
2.名词后缀 -ation;-ion; combination, civilization, foundation, digestion
3.名词后缀 -ture mixture
4.形容词后缀 -ous poisonous
5.形容词后缀 -ible indigestible
6.形容词后缀 -ful helpful, powerful
7.副词前缀 over- overseas
compounding 合词法
复合形容词 widespread; man-eating;
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