Passage 2
There are some steps you can take yourself to avoid cat catching cold.Contrary to popular belief,colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather.Colds are caused by viruses(病毒)harbored in the body,and you#39;re better off out on the ski slopes even waiting for the bus on a snowy day than you are in a rather warm room,surrounded by friends,co-workers,or fellow students,who just may be passing the virus around.If you feel a chill(发冷)when you#39;re coming down with a cold,you#39;re already sick.A shill is an early symptom:It#39;s the cold that caused the chill,not the other way around
While the virus can spread through droplets propelled into the air when a cold-sufferer coughs or sneezes,surprisingly,this is not the most common route of transmission.Studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are ”caught“by hand contact.A cold-sufferer rubs her nose,thereby transferring the virus to her hand.Then a friend comes to visit.”Don#39;t kiss me,“she cautions,so the friend steps back and presses her hand.The friend then wipes her own nose or eye-and several days later is stricken with a cold.Or parents pick up their child#39;s discarded tissues(面纸)and carefully throw them away,but fail to wash their hands afterward.
Cold viruses also can be transferred to objects-telephones,towels,
plates-and remain in fectious for up to three hours.Frequent hand-washing-on the part of the cold-sufferer as well as other members of the household-will minimize the spread of viruses in this way.
5)Which of the following steps you take will most probably cause you to catch a cold?
A.To expose yourself to sever weather.
B.To be on the ski slopes.
C.To wait for the bus on a snowy day.
D.To stay in a rather warm room with a lot of prople.
6)To prevent viruses from spreading,we should________.
A)shake hands with our friends instead of kissing them
B)never touch the telepones,towels or plates
C)often wash our hands
D)often rub our noses and eyes
7)The best title for this passage might be________.
A.Colds and Viruses
B.Ways to Avoid Colds
C.The Spread of Viruses
D.Hand Contact and Transmissions of Viruses
Passage 3
When young people get their first real jobs,they may tace a lot of new,confusing situations.They may find that everything is different from the way things were at school.It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable and insecure in both professional and social situations.Eventually,they realize that university classes can#39;t be the only preparation for all of the different situations that arise in the working world.
Perhaps the best way to learn how to behave im the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior.In doing so,you will be able to see what it is that you admire in this person.For example,you will observe how he acts in a crisis.Perhaps even more important,you will be able to see what is his qpproach to day-to-day situations.
while you are observing your colleague(同事),you should be asking yourself whether his be havior is like yours and how you can learn from his responses to a variety of situations.By watching and learning from a model,you will probably begin to identify and adopt good working habits.
8)The young people just graduated from school may not behave well in the working world,because________.
A.what they learned in university classes is not adequate for their new life
B.they are not well educated
C.the society is too complicated to adapt to
D.they failed to work hard at school
9)The best way to learn how to behave in the working world is . find a worker and follow him closely find a person you admire and make friends with him find a person you respect and watch carefully how he acts in different situations make the acquaintance of a model you admire
10)the passage could be best entitled________.
A.learn from a Model
B.Learn,Learn and Learn Again
C.University and the working World
D.One Is Never Too Old to Learn